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local p = {} local CurrentFrame = mw.getCurrentFrame() function p.base( f ) local args = f if f == CurrentFrame then args = require( 'Module:ProcessArgs' ).merge( true ) else f = CurrentFrame end local data = args.data and mw.loadData( 'Module:' .. args.data ) or {} local settings = data.settings -- Default settings local default = { scale = 1, sheetsize = 256, size = 16, pos = 1, align = 'text-top' } local defaultStyle = default if settings then if not settings.stylesheet then -- Make a separate clone of the current default settings defaultStyle = mw.clone( default ) end for k, v in pairs( settings ) do default[k] = v end end local setting = function( arg ) return args[arg] or default[arg] end local sprite = mw.html.create( 'span' ):addClass( 'sprite' ) -- mw.html's css method performs very slow escaping, which doubles the time it takes -- to run, so we'll construct the styles manually, and put them in the cssText -- method, which only does html escaping (which isn't slow) local styles = {} if not setting( 'nourl' ) and setting( 'url' ) then styles[#styles + 1] = 'background-image:' .. ( setting( 'url' ).url or setting( 'url' ) ) end if setting( 'stylesheet' ) then sprite:addClass( setting( 'classname' ) or mw.ustring.lower( setting( 'name' ):gsub( ' ', '-' ) ) .. '-sprite' ) elseif not setting( 'url' ) then styles[#styles + 1] = 'background-image:' .. p.getUrl( setting( 'image' ) or setting( 'name' ) .. 'Sprite.png' ).url end local class = setting( 'class' ) if class then sprite:addClass( class ) end local width = setting( 'width' ) or setting( 'size' ) local height = setting( 'height' ) or setting( 'size' ) local sheetWidth = setting( 'sheetsize' ) local tiles = sheetWidth / width local pos = setting( 'pos' ) - 1 local scale = setting( 'scale' ) local autoScale = setting( 'autoscale' ) if pos then local left = pos % tiles * width * scale local top = math.floor( pos / tiles ) * height * scale styles[#styles + 1] = 'background-position:-' .. left .. 'px -' .. top .. 'px' end if not autoScale and scale ~= defaultStyle.scale then styles[#styles + 1] = 'background-size:' .. sheetWidth * scale .. 'px auto' end if height ~= defaultStyle.size or width ~= defaultStyle.size or ( not autoScale and scale ~= defaultStyle.scale ) then styles[#styles + 1] = 'height:' .. height * scale .. 'px' styles[#styles + 1] = 'width:' .. width * scale .. 'px' end local align = setting( 'align' ) if align ~= defaultStyle.align then styles[#styles + 1] = 'vertical-align:' .. align end styles[#styles + 1] = setting( 'css' ) sprite:cssText( table.concat( styles, ';' ) ) local text = setting( 'text' ) local root local spriteText if text then if not args['wrap'] then root = mw.html.create( 'span' ):addClass( 'nowrap' ) end spriteText = mw.html.create( 'span' ):addClass( 'sprite-text' ):wikitext( text ) end local title = setting( 'title' ) if title then ( root or sprite ):attr( 'title', title ) end if not root then root = mw.html.create( '' ) end root:node( sprite ) if spriteText then root:node( spriteText ) end local link = setting( 'link' ) or '' if link ~= '' and mw.ustring.lower( link ) ~= 'none' then -- External link if link:find( '//' ) then return '[' .. link .. ' ' .. tostring( root ) .. ']' end -- Internal link local linkPrefix = setting( 'linkprefix' ) or '' return '[[' .. linkPrefix .. link .. '|' .. tostring( root ) .. ']]' end return tostring( root ) end function p.sprite( f ) local args = f if f == CurrentFrame then args = require( 'Module:ProcessArgs' ).merge( true ) else f = CurrentFrame end local data = args.data and mw.loadData( 'Module:' .. args.data ) or {} local categories = {} local idData = args.iddata if not idData then local name = args.name or data.settings.name local id = mw.text.trim( tostring( args[1] or '' ) ) idData = data.ids[id] or data.ids[mw.ustring.lower( id ):gsub( '[%s%+]', '-' )] end local title = mw.title.getCurrentTitle() -- Remove categories on language pages, talk pages, and in User/UserWiki/UserProfile namespaces local disallowCats = args.nocat or title.isTalkPage or title.nsText:find( '^User' ) if idData then if idData.deprecated then args.class = ( args.class or '' ) .. ' sprite-deprecated' if not disallowCats then categories[#categories + 1] = f:expandTemplate{ title = 'Translation category', args = { 'Pages using deprecated sprite names', project = 0 } } end end args.pos = idData.pos elseif not disallowCats then categories[#categories + 1] = f:expandTemplate{ title = 'Translation category', args = { 'Pages with missing sprites', project = 0 } } end return p.base( args ), table.concat( categories ) end function p.link( f ) local args = f if f == CurrentFrame then args = require( 'Module:ProcessArgs' ).merge( true ) end local link = args[1] if args[1] and not args.id then link = args[1]:match( '^(.-)%+' ) or args[1] end local text if not args.notext then text = args.text or args[2] or link end args[1] = args.id or args[1] args.link = args.link or link args.text = text return p.sprite( args ) end function p.getUrl( image, query, classname ) local f = CurrentFrame local t = { url = f:expandTemplate{ title = 'FileUrl', args = { image, query = query } }, } if classname and classname ~= '' then t.style = f:expandTemplate{ title = 'FileUrlStyle', args = { classname, image, query = query } } end return t end function p.getParsedUrlStyle( f ) local args = f:getParent().args local module = args[1] return require( 'Module:' .. module ).settings.url.style end function p.doc( f ) local args = f if f == CurrentFrame then args = f.args else f = CurrentFrame end local dataPage = mw.text.trim( args[1] ) local data = mw.loadData( 'Module:' .. dataPage ) local getProtection = function( title, action, extra ) local protections = { 'edit' } if extra then protections[#protections + 1] = extra end local addProtection = function( protection ) if protection == 'autoconfirmed' then protection = 'editsemiprotected' elseif protection == 'sysop' then protection = 'editprotected' end protections[#protections + 1] = protection end local direct = title.protectionLevels[action] or {} for _, protection in ipairs( direct ) do addProtection( protection ) end local cascading = title.cascadingProtection.restrictions[action] or {} if #cascading > 0 then protections[#protections + 1] = 'protect' end for _, protection in ipairs( cascading ) do addProtection( protection ) end return table.concat( protections, ',' ) end local spriteStyle = '' if data.settings.url and data.settings.url.style then spriteStyle = data.settings.url.style end local dataTitle = mw.title.new( 'Module:' .. dataPage ) -- Temporary until this is updated local classname = '' if data.settings.stylesheet then classname = data.settings.classname or mw.ustring.lower( data.settings.name:gsub( ' ', '-' ) ) .. '-sprite' end local spritesheet = data.settings.image or data.settings.name .. 'Sprite.png' local spriteTitle = mw.title.new( 'File:' .. spritesheet ) local dataProtection = getProtection( dataTitle, 'edit' ) local spriteProtection = getProtection( spriteTitle, 'upload', 'upload,reupload' ) local body = mw.html.create( 'div' ):attr( { id = 'spritedoc', ['data-dataprotection'] = dataProtection, ['data-datatimestamp'] = f:callParserFunction( 'REVISIONTIMESTAMP', 'Module:' .. dataPage ), ['data-datapage'] = 'Module:' .. dataPage, ['data-spritesheet'] = spritesheet, ['data-spriteprotection'] = spriteProtection, ['data-urlfunc'] = "require( [[Module:Sprite]] ).getUrl( '" .. spritesheet .. "', '$1', '" .. classname .. "' )", ['data-refreshtext'] = mw.text.nowiki( '{{#invoke:sprite|doc|' .. dataPage .. '|refresh=1}}' ), ['data-settings'] = mw.text.jsonEncode( data.settings ), } ) local sections = {} for _, sectionData in ipairs( data.sections or { name = 'Uncategorized' } ) do local sectionTag = body:tag( 'div' ):addClass( 'spritedoc-section' ):attr( 'data-section-id', sectionData.id ) sectionTag:tag( 'h3' ):wikitext( sectionData.name ) sections[sectionData.id] = { boxes = sectionTag:tag( 'ul' ):addClass( 'spritedoc-boxes' ) } end local keyedData = {} local i = 1 for name, idData in pairs( data.ids ) do keyedData[i] = { sortKey = mw.ustring.lower( name ), name = name, data = idData } i = i + 1 end table.sort( keyedData, function( a, b ) return a.sortKey < b.sortKey end ) for _, data in ipairs( keyedData ) do local idData = data.data local pos = idData.pos local section = sections[idData.section] local names = section[pos] if not names then local box = section.boxes:tag( 'li' ):addClass( 'spritedoc-box' ):attr( 'data-pos', pos ) box:tag( 'div' ):addClass( 'spritedoc-image' ) :wikitext( p.base{ pos = pos, data = dataPage, nourl = spriteStyle ~= '' } ) names = box:tag( 'ul' ):addClass( 'spritedoc-names' ) section[pos] = names end local nameElem = mw.html.create( 'li' ):addClass( 'spritedoc-name' ) local codeElem = nameElem:tag( 'code' ):wikitext( data.name ) if idData.deprecated then codeElem:addClass( 'spritedoc-deprecated' ) end names:wikitext( tostring( nameElem ) ) end if args.refresh then return '', '', tostring( body ) end local styles = f:callParserFunction( '#widget:SpriteDoc.css' ) return styles, spriteStyle, tostring( body ) end return p
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